Monday, February 27, 2017

Walking the Bouche Rd

Pretty hard walking with the snowshoes lately.  Take a few steps and the snow collapses every once in a while.  The Bouche Rd. is all plowed out so I take the truck park walk 3km and back to the truck.  Then park as far as I went last time,  Now I'm up near the Osprey Nest going north to the cuts.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Snow Fleas

On the snowshoes for a couple of days and noticed lots of Snow fleas in the snow, this year they seem to be all over, hadn't seen that many in the snow.  Here is a clip from Google about them and some pictures I took.

They are in the snow everywhere this year.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Finally made it around the snowshoe trail

It's been several years since we were snowshoeing quite often in the winter.  Back then the trail was all marked with flagging.  Since then looking for it took a long time, last fall I did some of it and a bit more the winter.  This week I started from the other end at Hedlund marsh up to McIntosh Lake.  At the lake there was a cut several years ago and all the trail markers were gone, finally finished joining the other end together. This trail starts up Bouche Rd and ends a Hedlund marsh at the road and walk back on the road to Bouche Rd. Here are some pics I took on the Hedlund/McIntosh end.  Next time out will be the first time in along time to go all the way around.