Sunday, May 25, 2008

Out to check minnow trap

This afternoon I went to check my minnow trap, on a small pond west of town. It's a bit of a walk but mostly a great spot for pictures. You walk along a high ridge of rock looking down at the marsh and ahead is the pond. There is a newer beaver dam that has raised the water up a couple more inches than years previous. 2 newer houses are in the marsh. Last time in there was a bittern making his water pumping sound up near the pond end.

Only about a dozen or so Dace minnows, the water is still to cold for them.

The leatherleaf is in bloom along with some small violets scattered along the sunny edges of the rock. Moss and lichens coat the rock making it quite slippery. The wintergreen are all ready to bloom too. 2 days ago I slipped and did quite a fall on the way in.

Waterlillies are starting to come to the surface and will soon cover all the shallow water.
Now 5:00pm and looks as though it will rain before dark.

1 comment:

Gert said...

Hi Bill,
What a great idea! I look forward to reading of your many they of tranquil walks in the forest ..or the details of clanging minnow pails as they hit the rocks on your slide down the hill on your knees..or of homey stuff like burnt potatoes and setting off every fire alarm in the house...good stuff.. Gert