Took my time coming home and stopped at a few places, if it didn't start to rain. Beautiful AM in North Bay and by the time I got above Marten River there was lightning strikes, thunderheads and sheets of rain. Drove up to the Temagami tower and waited in the car until the rain stopped a bit and then headed up the hill. There was a sign at the base of the tower that if there was lighting and thunder to get off the top of the hill and stay away from the steel tower. Duh.
Took a couple of quick pics and headed back to the car, just in time for the skys to open up and unleash another rain storm.
I took a picture of the Latchford bridge from the little park beside the information area, quite a nice little spot overlooking the train bridge, rapids, road bridge and the dam.

wow, that pic makes the Latchford bridge look Huge!!
Take a good close look at the Temagami pic....theres a face in the clouds...really cool dad
I like the angle of the picture myself.. and I can't see the face...must be your younger eyes!!!
I checked again Gert...face is still there, right in the centre of the clouds, kinda looks like Ronald MacDonald...Ha!!
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