Monday, April 27, 2009

Just like summer

Temps on the rise overnight made it quite plesant this AM. The temp just kept rising through the day until rain and cool returned by evening. The fire is on again tonight.
Morning temps were over 20C early this morning which was just right for some pic taking.
Out highway 560 W to see if there is any access to the sideroads, they are getting better but still have snow and look pretty muddy. It will be another week before they will be worth using getting wood. Raking leaves and needles and removed the ends off the wood shed to start filling it up again.
The floor in the front room is stapled down and the rug installers will be here on Wednesday. Hooray.

Got some pics of a pair of Hooded Mergansers, and some melting thats going on around the area. Took quite a few down near Duncan Lake.


Terry said...

I personally would love to see the Duncan Lake Pics ! A beautiful lake...I've caught a couple of nice fish there !

Kate said...

whoooo hooooo!!!!!! RUG ON WEDNESDAY!!! Almost done! Cant wait to see it

Face said...

Hey Terry - Me too

Always stayed at Breeze Creek