Thursday, November 6, 2008

A summer day

Great day for an ATV trip. Paul Trudel and I headed for the Chown Rd. West on Highway 560 west of Gowganda. This road has been logged for several years, the last time I was on this bush road was in 2003, since then it has grown to quite a system of roads going up almost 30km.
Around the 15km. marker there is a huge hill with a vista that is well worth taking in, I'm sure you could see 25km or more if the air was clear. Today it was blue with haze.
Some of the older areas have been reforested, and others look like natural regeneration as they are thicker than hair on the proverbial dog's back.

Found and interesting trail that goes right into Shillington Lake, right where we canoed this summer and thought there was no one else around. There is a boat cache there and a site for a tent.

We logged about 85km. today. This will probably be the last ATV trip of the season. Unless....

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