Saturday, May 21, 2011

New forestry machine in the bush

It may not be new but the first time I have seen them. The harvesters and skidders are working on the Bouche Rd about 4km north of the highway cutting west towards Serpentine Lake. These pictures are of the skidder loader that is picking up the logs from the harvester. Fewer roads are needed as these load and carry to existing roads at this cut.


Ella said...

How is it with the forests in Canada, are they own by private persons, big companies or the state?

Gowganda Photography said...

Ella, I have been trying to post with Internet Explorer 9 and it's been a nightmare of trouble. Firefox worked today so I will be using it for awhile.
To answer your question the forest that is harvested is on crown land and managed by the provincial ministry of natural resources. People that live in Ontario can travel through crown land and camp, hunt, hike or whatever on all of it. The forestry department allocates portions of crown land to wood harvesters for cutting. Areas cut are replanted.

Ron said...

do they do a good job Bill in managing it so that trees grow back ?

Gowganda Photography said...

As far as the amount of replanting goes it seems to work. The problem is it all becomes a monoculture eventually only what they want to harvest years from now. This has to affect the wildlife.