Lots of water coming down the river for this time of year. Walked in from Edith Lake Rd down a trail where the old Hydro Plant is.
On the way back to the trail I was walking along the edge of the river and spotted these icicles all lined up like a comb. Don't know how that happened.
That's what I said the white stuff is here, started last night and is still coming down. Even shoveled the driveway around noon but it just kept blowing around. Here's the proof.
First time in Gowganda was 1968 with the Dept. of Lands and Forests, doing a soil and vegetation study for the Wildlife Productivity Inventory. While here found the country amazing, the boreal forest the lakes at every turn and the air clean and fresh. It didn't take long back then to get the camera out and start recording some of the sights I'd seen. Since then with a few layoffs in photography its good to get right back at it. Putting your pictures on a blog like this forces you to go out and take more pics, which is the goal of this site.
For more on GOWGANDA check out (((www.gowganda.net)))