Thursday, August 14, 2014

Lots of activity at the Hummingbird feeder

It's a good thing there was action around the Hummingbird feeder the last few days, the weather has been cold and wet.  The waiting and looking out for supermoon's and comets after dark and 3:00am in the morning for the last few days have been a bust.  Clouds and lots of rain, this morning it was 7.5° C.  Finally went out and took some video of the close to 20 hummers that arrived.  I set the video to slow motion so you could see the action better. Click on the small square in the bottom right for full screen look.


BJ said...

That is so cool! The males sure are bossy :)

Darlene said...

I loved the video. I have a feeder on my porch and I enjoy watching them. They sure do not like to share.

ML said...

I love it.
They seem to push to the feeder, saying: "Go away, that's mine!!"

Sue said...

Was this at your house or Gert's?

Gowganda Photography said...

This is at my house. Bill