Saturday, November 8, 2014

Paving the road thru Gowganda

This project started some time ago with new culverts, seepage tube along the road, grading and finally the new asphalt.  By the time it was ready to put the first layer down the weather was closing in and made for hit and miss work.  The second coat started and so did the snow and cold finally a couple of good days lights were bought it for extended paving hours.  In a couple of days the second coat was finished.  I took some video in the dark to show the equipment and the lighting they used when working in the dark even the lines were put down.  It is finally quiet in town again and with a lot less traffic.   The new asphalt road runs from the east of the big hill coming into town to down by the old maintenance buildings on the west side of town.  They widened the road so there is more walking room along the edge of the road great for those big trucks that crowd you all the time.

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