As we left Shillington Lake I knew that we would have a tough day today, but I didn't know by how much. We were to use an old portage that goes from the Sydney Ck. watershead over to the east Montreal River. From my understanding it didn't get much use.
North of Shillington we passed into Birch Lake where one of the portages started, found it and 350m. later ended up in a small lake called Hunt Lake, a very short liftover at Hunt put us into Sanderson Lake where the map showed a creek to follow. Well the creek turned out to be a tricle and the portage was right up a rock cliff to start and into the bog at the bottom with several blowdowns in between. Brian lost a leg in one of the bog holes and had a hard time getting up with his pack. This went on for a good 500m. until we came out at the bottom of Sisseney Lake. That was to be the hardest portage of the whole trip but we managed it pretty well.
We paddled well up into Sisseney Lake before we found a good campsite on an island, even had a table and a great latrine with a view.
The campsite was well used and out of firewood so we went to the mainland and found all the wood we needed along the shore. Another great meal and a good roaring campfire finished off day two

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