After taking off all the old z-brick as it was called from the chimney it turned out to have quite a sway in it. This chimney is not used anymore as the new furnaces oil and wood are downstairs under the back porch. It is right in the centre of the house and starts right at the basement with block and mortar and then in the dining room upstairs it turns to brick and the brick continues thru the upstairs and outside. I should have taken it down years ago but now it would be a job and a half especially working up on the roof.
It took a long time to shim it all out sometimes using 2x4's for shims at one end and tight to the block at the other. I was trying to get it as small as possible. Anyway done now and move on to the north side and take some cupboards down to get behind at the walls.
Here is a pic taken a couple of days ago at the feeder with my new lense.
Over the last two days we have had about 13 cm. / 5" of snow and even had to get the snowblower out for a walk today.
GOOD JOB! Is that a house sparrow? We have some down here with not so much red that look similar-and of course I can't find my Field Guide to North American Birds(I think my little one likes the pictures and has absconded with it).
The bird is a Pine Grosbeak common in the winter at the feeder.
I remember trying to figure out which ones we were seeing down here and they were similar with the purpley red colors. Very pretty! People forget I think that we do have lovely colorful birds here in North America.
looks really different without the brick....brighter too.
The stove looks very uncomfortable, wondering "what happened?"...stainless steel...ahem, sure looks good Dad!!! lol!
What lense did you get?....I know you told me before but I thought it was a macro lens?
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