Saturday, November 20, 2010

Walking to Obushkong Lake

Walked up the ATV trail to Obushkong landing, a cool, wet wind from the north created large waves meeting the water coming over the falls. The falls created by the east Montreal river falling over stepped ledges from Edith Lake to Obushkong. The boat landing here has several camp and private boats most of them pulled up on higher ground for the winter.
On the way back I took several pics of a new plant to me, I knew by its range it should be here but I have never seen it. The plant has evergreen leaves (the Pyrola Family) and is called a Pipsissewa or Prince's Pine (Chimaphila umbellata). I took some pictures the day before but not being pleased with them I came back to take some more. This time the patch was covered in snow so I did my best to uncover and take some more pics. I have marked them so that in the spring I will photograph them in bloom.


Anonymous said...

great pictures as usual. Keep them coming, enjoy all pics from the Gowganda area.

Gert said...

Cool picture of the plant....I had to laugh when I saw the name Pipsissewa cause when my nephew and niece were very young they asked if we had a Loch Ness monster in the lake and we told them 'only a little one called Shnups-ee-wawa' ... If I had known about the plant, we would have called it Pisissewa. ( sounds Like a little

Ron said...

More neat pics there Bill