Been on the road since Dec. 23rd, having Christmas with my son in Sudbury and then to my sisters in Lindsay and to see Kate in Huntsville and back home the 31st. Great visits along the way but it is still great to be back home.
The trip from Huntsville to Gowganda was wet and foggy. The temperture around 8 degrees C. Lots of snow missing and the lake flooded with water, grass sticking up all over. Spring thaw in January. Then around 8 pm last night a blast of wind hit the side of the house and the temp. went down to -10C, little bit of snow and everything froze up again, just the way it should be.
Bill. Happy New Year. Seems like things are changing regarding the winters in Northern Ont. You don't usually lose alot of snow by Jan 01 do you ?
The town looks like a spring day ? How much ice do you figure is on the lake ?
I think this is an unusual thaw this year. Snowmobiles and 4 wheelers are all over the lake today so there must be enought ice.
Thanks. You been getting cold temps so that should make the ice thicker
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