Sunday, May 15, 2011

An other pic from yesterday

At the Edith Lake rapids the water is flowing very quickly, all the rocks are under water around the boat launch. I walked up the river north towards Burke Lake a short distance to take this picture. Great to put the canoe in Burke and shoot the river.


Anonymous said...

Hello my name is James Robb. I spent my summers in Gowganda as a kid. My parents use to run the old gowganda trading. I check your site every now and then to remember gowganda. thanks for the blog. Keep up the good work

Gert said...

Hi James,
Nice to hear you are still about.
Haven't seen you in Gowganda for a long time....please drop in... Gert Trudel.
( my mom Agnes worked for your parents)

Karen said...

James, I used to vacation in Gowganda as a kid and still do. I used to love going to your parent's store! I miss that place. Thanks for bringing back the memories...