Sunday, January 29, 2017

Finally winter is back, and the sun is shining

Out to the dump today, new rules for the dump only Sundays, and a half day on Wednesday in the AM.  The rest of the time it will be locked up.  There will also be a person at the dump to tell you where to put it.


Karen said...

Hmmm…that will be interesting for vacationers that want to drop garbage off on the way out of town and it's not a Wednesday or Sunday.

Sue W said...

I guess that means no more going to the dump at night to see the bears also.

Karen said...

Is there recycling at the dump now?

Gowganda Photography said...

SUE If you are faster than a bear go for it.

KAREN There is some recycling at the dump, the metal gets taken somewhere and the electronics to I suspect.

Karen said...

Yeah, I knew that they did the metal, etc. I guess I was wondering if they were ever going to start recycling like the rest of the world. lol Plastics, paper/cardboard stuff like that. Thanks Bill!