Monday, August 3, 2009

The boy's are gone

They must have had a good time as they didn't want to go. After a week of swimming, a pool party, fishing, hiking through town and generally doing what they wanted I guess not. Grampa had a good time too with the company. The silence is deafening.
Some pics from last week with the boys some Indian Pipe, Mountain Ash, and a Delphinium from the garden.
Jeremy and the boys on the way home from a afternoon of fishing.


Gert said...

Don't laugh, but when I first looked at the top pictue I thought the boys had made a toilet paper moose....then I read that it was Indian Pipe...I think I must have been smokin' some!!!!

Brook said...

The absence of childish voices can be deafening. It's good to know that they had a great time with you though. The Indian Pipe is positively ghostly isn't it?