Saturday, January 9, 2010

Breaking trail

Started on my winter renovations today by emptying out the dining room, I am now eating in the back porch. Took some wood trim off and prepared to set up a barrier to keep the dust from travelling through the house. Enough of that, nice and sunny today so I thought I would break a little of the snowshoe trail.
Where I had cleaned up before the snow came it was pretty good going after that it was hard going as there isn't quite enough snow to cover up all the sticks and branches. Only got as far as the beaver pond about a third of the way. Tomorrow sounds like it will be warmer but that may not be good either.


gord said...

a lot of must be all uphill in those swamps

Paul said...

It's just amazing! It IS uphill on that trail. I think it's a natural phenomenon or something but it's actually uphill BOTH WAYS! Bill just called and I'm going today for the first time. NOW you'll see puffing!

Gert said...

I was waiting for you to come in for cocoa...I even made some pecan tarts ..and you guessed it...Paul laid claim to them. Not to worry I hid some for you!!!!

Brook said...

I love the sound of the snow crunching and squeaking.

Gert said...

The Esteps have been on the trail and the girls LOVE it.

I am happy that others find the exercise a happy one..only wish I could go too...sigh.