Well not a heck of alot going on here. Can't believe it's the end of July and the rain just keeps on comeing. Doing some plumbing today glad to get that one done.
Hopefully will get some new pics this weekend.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Jeremy and boys on way home
Jeremy and the boys are home tonight after having a break in Gowganda. We kept busy all the time, eating, travelling around, fishing, swimming and eating. Did I mention eating.
Glad to see they had a good time. May even be back up in a couple of weeks too.
Stopped in to see the fish derby for awhile looked like they had a good turnout.
Glad to see they had a good time. May even be back up in a couple of weeks too.
Stopped in to see the fish derby for awhile looked like they had a good turnout.
Another First

After several hours of fishing in the hot sun, the one that had the most to say and the least concerned about fishing hauls in a beauty walleye over 17 inches all by himself. His Dad had a little trouble netting but the fish finally fell to rest in the bottom of the boat. We had a hard time keeping him in the boat, that's Zach I'm talking about. After that he had no trouble concentrating on fishing.
Came off the lake and went swimming for a couple of hours. Yours truly had his annual, after this it is only in the lake by accident.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Fishermen
Monday, July 28, 2008
Weekend Roundup

Saturday, we went to Cobalt's first Silverfest. It really seemed kind of disorganized and without much participation especially in the AM. We wandered around like lost souls even though we had a timetable of things to do from the paper. Most activities centered on the main street which didn't amount to much. The best part was that all the museums were open FREE. We went through two mining museums that I hadn't been in and the military bunker at the old train station. Both of the mining museums had some good video on old Cobalt and the methods of mining and extracting silver. A+ to the museums. When it started to rain in the late afternoon we took the road route visiting various mines and sites around the town. I have done this before and it is well worth the time to go around to the old minesites. If you ever go get the guide that goes with the trip, it's about $4.oo but gives alot more info than what is on the signs. We wandered back through Haileybury and New Liskeard along the shoreline. Jeremy had not seen any of this area before. Hopefully next years Silverfest will be a little more organized.
Today we ventured down around Sand Lake road checking out routes for Jeremy to travel with his motorcycle. We also checked out some good camping sites near Chrysler Lake on the Bay Lumber Road.
Tomorrow the boat is ready for fishing, weather permitting.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Company In

Jeremy and the boys arrived this afternoon, they will be staying until Wednesday. Zach was the only one interested in swimming, the water was cool and the lake was rough. He did get in and stay for a little while. While he was in Dad, Brenden (bundled in a big warm sweater) and Lauch and Ruth sat and watched him turn blue. It didn't take long before he was wrapped up in his towel.
Jeremy bought up 2 huge rigatonis (thanks Stacey) for us and Gert supplied us with chocolate cake, thanks Gert, I don't know how you got it away from Paul.
Had a nice visit with Emily this AM, she looks good but tired. I'm sure being home will make her feel much better.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
In town
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Garden Flowers

Another nice day. This must be summer finally.
Out in the garden today checking out the flowers, had to go back and get the camera. Finally getting some nice blooms after the iris quit blooming.
Jeremy is coming up with the boys on Friday they will be staying until Wednesday. Get to do some fishing and the boys can get in lots of swimming.
Putting the yoke on the canoe, it should make it a lot easier to carry for the trip next month. Going to town tomorrow to get some grub and parts for various jobs. Hate town big time.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Back to Calcite Creek
Monday, July 21, 2008
Paddling on Calcite Creek

Perfect weather for a trip, low humidity, light breeze, some cloud just the right temperature for a canoe trip.
Paul Trudel and I started about 10:00 AM at Highway 560 at the mouth of Calcite Creek where it flows into Lost Lake. It didn't take long to get to the first little rapids which we paddled and pushed our way up and into Calcite Lake. This lake is surrounded with rock cliffs on both the east and west shore, some of the areas are vertical and rise about 40 feet or more above the water. Evidence of old mining is found along the way. After leaving the south end of the lake we started to run into small rapids which we lined the canoe up, altogether there were 4 sets. Finally we came to a set of rapids that were filled with blowdowns and logs that had floated in and blocked the passage, we made our way over this to find even more blockage in the way. This was the end of the trip for today, maybe another time we would get past this. It was all ready after 12:00PM so it was time to go back.
Of all the sets of rapids we run through 2 of them, these were the straight chutes with a clear and open center.
On the way back we stopped at a waterfall we could hear but not see from the lake, this turned into quite a find. The water came down the cliff from a couple of little lakes high on the top of the cliff and run down through cracks and crevasses toward the lake. In one spot the water went under a large shelf of rock which you could get right underneath. It appeared that the water and rock had scoured a large bowl shaped area below this. It will be good to go back and see it next spring when the flow is really heavy. Pictures tomorrow.
We finally got back about 2:00PM to the landing but not without seeing an osprey carrying a large fish flying around us, we suspect there was a nest nearby.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Back to Huntsville
Saturday, July 19, 2008
At Lesley Durling's Wedding
The weather couldn't have been better for the wedding. Everything was well done and seemed to go without a hitch. Great reception and food. Congratulations to Lesley and Bryan and to their parents Dana, Wayne, Ed and Judy. Thanks for the invite.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wapus Creek

Finally this PM, I got out in the canoe. Looked like rain several times but not a drop. Usually when I drive to the Wapus even on a great blue sky day by the time I'm at the creek its cloudy, raining or drizzling.
Paddled for 2 hours up the river and turned around. Lots of pics today.
This is a great river for paddling on as you are out of the wind all the time, and on the way back there is a little current helping you home.
Pics of Blue Flag (iris), and a strange long bug, don't know who he is.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Talk about a busy town there are contractors going everywhere in the AM. Lots of work for the locals with all the big cottages around.
Had a great breakfast with Kate at the Westside Restaurant on Main Street. Great place and good food. After breakfast we took a hike on the Trans Canada Trail which runs right behind where she lives. Part of it is boardwalk and the rest runs along the edge of the lake, if you go east it runs right through town.
Berries are all ready on the serviceberry bushes.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Living in up in Huntsville

Good trip down today. Spent some time at the waterfront in North Bay. Over the past few years they have made it into a beautiful site. The walkway along the shore is full of people rollerblading, walking, jogging and pushing carriages. The flowers are a sight to be seen, I think that they are in the peak stage right now. There are just so many blooms.
The old Chief Commanda is now drydocked and used as a restaurant, the new one sits further out on the dock but doesn't look anything like the old steamers that plied the lake years ago.
Kate will be dropping in to the motel tonight after work and we will plan for breakfast together in the AM. Will be returning home tomorrow afternoon

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Going to Huntsville
Going down to Huntsville to see Kate tomorrow, and then back up to North Bay for an appointment. Hope to get some pics along the way.
Today cleaning up the canoe, getting some maps ready and fixing an old lawnmower. Not much time for new pics
In Huntsville they have a great bronze of Tom Thompson hope to get a couple of him.
Today cleaning up the canoe, getting some maps ready and fixing an old lawnmower. Not much time for new pics
In Huntsville they have a great bronze of Tom Thompson hope to get a couple of him.
Monday, July 14, 2008
No pic tonight
Between weedwacking and changing oil and other odds and ends the day just disappeared. No new pics.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Late post
Late post tonight. Tomorrow will get out to take some new pics, I hope. Anyway here is a coneflower

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Great Day today

Keeping busy helping at the Whites. Not a lot of time for new pics but I have lots of old stock.
Today a couple from the January I think. Horse logging is usually a thing of the past but at Long Point Lake in the dead of winter 4 men with horses worked all winter. They had 80 acres to log with their horses. I went out a couple of times to watch and take pics.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
A Year has Past

Today, a year after Marg passed away we had a memorial picnic. We met at the Poplar Grove Cemetery in Elk Lake, the McPhees, Whites, Trudels, Barnstaples, Dana Durling and Kerri McKay. We remembered what a wonderful, kind and caring person that she was and we knew that God was looking after her. I miss her so, it's hard to believe that a year has gone by. I want to thank everyone for their support over the last year without it would have been very difficult.
Lots of flowers from gardens were showered on the marker, she loved to have flowers.
We left the cemetery and had lunch at the cenotaph in Elk Lake along the Montreal River.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Quiet AM busy painting PM
Working in garage again this AM. Afternoon over painting at the White's.
Bill and Jo Henry that left June 27th canoeing north to Matachewan from the Wapus and back to Gowganda by the east Montreal River returned today. They picked up their truck at 3:00pm and left a note that they had a great trip and will send details when they get back to Virginia. With all the rain, wind and lightning that we have had over the past 2 weeks I'd say they must be a pretty tough couple.
A couple of pics of the canola growing in our little clay belt near Englehart. Both these pics were taken from the exact same spot only with different lenses.

Bill and Jo Henry that left June 27th canoeing north to Matachewan from the Wapus and back to Gowganda by the east Montreal River returned today. They picked up their truck at 3:00pm and left a note that they had a great trip and will send details when they get back to Virginia. With all the rain, wind and lightning that we have had over the past 2 weeks I'd say they must be a pretty tough couple.
A couple of pics of the canola growing in our little clay belt near Englehart. Both these pics were taken from the exact same spot only with different lenses.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Catching up on some small engine work

Another wet AM with periods of sun. Very humid. Starting to think about winter again. Maybe time to get that other set of snowshoes finished.Here is a pic of my winter friend that I fed when out ice fishing. It's a gray jay but they call them meat birds up here.
Back to the flowers with a group of daisys, a rubekia with a friend.

Monday, July 7, 2008
Work day
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