Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yesterday and Today

Teresa.Jake and Wayne were fishing on Obushkong on Sunday and found an eagle nest. I got the location and Carol and I decided to investigate yesterday. We borrowed Wayne's boat on Obushkong and after a trip down the lake we saw the white pine with the nest. No eagle, we went ashore to find out what was under the nest, a bird skull and the top plate of a small pike's head still very fresh. There was obviously not to much in the way of feeding litter or feathers below the nest. Back on the lake we entered a small bay which almost went behind the nest and sure enough Carol spots the eagle taking off, it flew around to the other side of the nest tree and landed again. We went back out on the lake again and it came over and landed on the tree near the nest and took off. I managed a couple of pics but it was rough out on the lake and we were bouncing all over the place. After that it soared in circles vertically almost out of sight. That was end of the eagle sighting for the rest of the day. Will try to get back at a later date to see if I can get some better pictures.

We travelled down the lake to the trapper's shack where we got out and streched and took some more pics. (The beer bottles on the sink are not ours). On the way back we stopped and talked to Wayne who was guiding some people they had a few fish and were bouncing around in the waves as we were.
This AM was spent making cookies for the Fireman's Supper on Wed. and cleaning up after the weekend. Generally not doing to much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Glad we got to see Carol. Perhaps next time we'll get more of a chat in.

See ya at the supper.

Love Gert