Winter time is curling time. The natural ice surface is prepared when the temperatures stay low enough to keep the ice in good shape. It takes several floodings to build up a level surface of ice. Then the rings are put on and more floodings are done. Maintenance is done before and after every game.
Every Wednesday and Saturday night the curling rink is open to who ever wants to curl or for those like me to watch and yak.
The major bonspiel happens around Valentine's day. Several teams are all ready signed up for this year.
Last Wednesday I wandered over to take some pictures for another view on Gowganda.
I'm the best curler there is on the warm side of the glass. :>D N.
Hey N,
I beg to differ, I am the best curler on the warm side!!!
The temp. where the curlers play is usually around -10 to -15 C.
I like our side better...they have a broom in their hands..we have hot cocoa.. yum
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