Thursday, March 19, 2009

Time flys when the weather is so nice

Summary up to today, Monday, into town, #/$**@, you know. Tuesday outside over 10C cleaning up around where it had melted, oil change and generally enjoying sunshine. Wednesday working on trim around bookcases and by evening it was snowing with the temperature dropping quickly. In other words not many pics taken, will have to change that this afternoon
Out for snowshoe this afternoon, most of the trail still fairly good but every once in awhile breaking through the crust. Only the heavy fell through the crust, not Paul. If it gets much warmer I think the trail will be done in. Going to -20C tonight so it will last a bit longer.

Picture of the driveway, quite a difference than last week. After snowshoeing took a trip down to Duncan Lake for a drive. Paul had said they were scaling the rock cut near the Wapus. The rock was breaking up and falling on the road, so they go in and scrape all the loose rock back. The pic shows the final results of the scaling, and one at the Wapus bridge looking south. The runoff is starting now.

1 comment:

Brook said...

What a difference!