Thursday, July 23, 2009

Out to the bog

Where I was picking up some firewood there is a small bog, with black spruce overstory, these trees are up to 10 meters . Underneath the spruce was a foot of Sphagnum moss ,and then a peat base and a watertable just under the Sphagnum . Nice to walk on.
Labrador tea, Clintonia, Bunchberry, Creeping Snowberry and some Small Bog Cranberries. This is the first time I have seen the Small Bog Cranberries in bloom. The bloom is unusual as the petals go backwards and the stamens stick out way in front, sometimes described as a Turk's cap.
On the way back home on the roadsides the Fireweed is in bloom , this is a closeup of one of the blooms.

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